Disassembly is a reconstruction of a Java class file into a human-readable representation or into Java source code (decompilation), this is the main view you’ll see in slicer.
The currently supported disassemblers/decompilers are:
- JASM (disassembler, https://github.com/jumanji144/Jasm)
- CFR (decompiler, https://github.com/leibnitz27/cfr)
- Vineflower (default; decompiler, https://github.com/Vineflower/vineflower)
- Procyon (decompiler, https://github.com/mstrobel/procyon)
- slicer (pseudocode disassembler, https://github.com/run-slicer/asm)
Custom ones can be added through the Disassembler API (popular ones are here).