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The disassembler API allows you to introspect and manipulate disassemblers in slicer. slicer offers several disassemblers/decompilers out of the box, but this API makes it possible to add custom ones via a script.

All disassembler operations are done via a DisassemblerContext, which you can once again access on the context.

context.disasm.all(); // lists all disassemblers
context.disasm.find("vf"); // finds a disassembler by its ID, returns null if not found; this example returns the Vineflower decompiler
// these operations do NOT persist and work only within the current instance of slicer
context.disasm.add({ ... }); // adds a custom disassembler
context.disasm.remove("vf"); // removes a disassembler by its ID

Every disassembler needs an ID and a run function that disassembles a class file byte array into a string representation. Optionally, a human-readable label can also be supplied.

const myDisasm /*: Disassembler */ = {
id: "my-disasm",
label: "My disassembler", // optional
language: "java", // optional
run(data /*: Uint8Array */) /*: string | Promise<string> */ {
// disassembler logic goes here
export default {
// ...
load(context /*: ScriptContext */) {
unload(context /*: ScriptContext */) {